Our Mission:

diversity is our greatest strength.
We embrace the differences in each of our players to create strong, inclusive teams regardless of race, creed, or orientation.
Diversity and inclusion is fundamental to our core values and strategic goals. WE are a club built on diversity. we are a club that believes in equality and equal opportunity. we are a club that believes in giving back to the community.

Our mission is to positively impact the development of youth in our community by providing soccer and life-enriching opportunities to young players of all age. to create a lifelong passion for the sport of soccer, and to help raise the level of soccer in our city, our state and our nation.

We strive to play an active role in the leadership, development and personal growth of our players and staff by being an active member of our community through service, partnerships and programs.

Our ultimate goal as a club is to encourage, inspire and empower each player and coach to be able to reach the highest level possible within the game and in life, while helping create leaders and individuals that will inspire others to do the same.


About Us:

Rochester Football Club is a soccer club based out of Rochester, MN. We were started by two Bosnian immigrants, Muharem Dedic and Midhat Mujic.

Our Values:


  • We believe that development and growth are greatly influenced by our continued effort to achieve our potential despite any difficulties or failures we may encounter. viewing adversity as an opportunity to learn and grow as we refocus our effort with a determination and willingness to persevere.


  • We overcome adversity through humility, effort and ambition and understand challenges not as frustrations but as opportunities for growth intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically.


  • We are committed to fostering an environment of unity and belonging for all of those we serve. We promote diversity and inclusion, creating a culture that brings together members of our community through our love for soccer and service to others. We will work together efficiently and effectively to realize our goals.


  • We will prepare for and expect outstanding results by setting positive expectations for ourselves and the participants in our programs. We believe optimism is both contagious and inspirational. Our optimism will inspire others to share our positive attitude and our belief that together we can achieve anything.


  • We are dedicated to ensuring the resources of our benefit corporation are utilized responsibly and efficiently in pursuit of our mission. We will be diligent in our efforts to maintain the highest standards of financial accountability and protect those resources afforded to us by our members, sponsors, partners and community.


  • We are passionate about sportsmanship and expect the members of our club to respect the rules, spirit and etiquette of the game. We will respect our teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, and spectators. We will be a positive reflection of ourselves, our team, our club and our community.

Next-Level Mindset

  • We truly believe our mindset determines our level of success. We are dedicated to creating and maintaining a next-level mindset through which we will strive to be better tomorrow than we are today. Difficulties and failures will not discourage us- they will put us one step closer to success as we learn and evolve.


Join the RFC family

Rochester FC is looking for dedicated members of the community who are interested in joining our mission. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities to all players in our community and the surrounding area. If you are interested in joining us please fill out the information below and we will contact you. We are in the search for youth coaches, youth team managers, first team mangers, first team game day volunteers, first team host family, marketing director, and other volunteer positions are available.

Thank you!